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Displaying 211 – 220 of 474 results for " "

  1. Shoei Corporation Ltd v South Auckland Vehicle Imports Ltd [2018] NZDC 11032

    Summary judgment — liquidation — quantum — Companies Act 1993, ss 241 & 248. The plaintiff had already successfully secured summary judgment against the first…

  2. V v Zhang [2018] NZDC 17331

    Defamation — formal proof hearing — social media — proper service — District Court Act 2016, ss 74, 80 & 83 — District Court Rules…

  3. Yang v Francis [2019] NZDC 7897

    Appeal Tenancy Tribunal — rent arrears — water arrears — breach of right to quiet enjoyment — appointing an agent while overseas — property construction…

  4. Roy Dennis Construction Ltd v Climate Zone Ltd [2019] NZDC 8026

    Costs — notice of discontinuance — 2B — contracting party — District Court Rules 2014, r 15.20 — High Court Rules 2016, rr 14.3 &…

  5. City Space Realty Ltd v McCallum [2019] NZDC 7890

    Appeal Tenancy Tribunal — re-hearing — methamphetamine contamination — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 105 & 117. The appellant appealed a decision of the Tenancy Tribunal…

  6. Ji Xiang Garden Development Ltd v Ingham Motor Holdings Ltd [2019] NZDC 4660

    Appeal Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — vehicle fault — fail refuse neglect to remedy — replacement — Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003 ss 16, 82,…

  7. Scott v Rangi [2019] NZDC 1983

    Appeal of Tenancy Tribunal — abandonment — unforeseen change in circumstances — re-hearing — compensation — exemplary damages — bias — miscarriage of justice — Property…

  8. Dairy Pro Taranaki Ltd v Foley [2018] NZDC 23311

    Strike out application — particular discovery — interrogatories — misleading and deceptive conduct — District Court Rules 2014, rr 8.4, 8.7, 8.8, & 15.1 —…

  9. Nice Place Ltd v Paterson [2018] NZDC 20936

    Appeal from Tenancy Tribunal — subletting — breach of contract — accounting of profit — calculation of profits — unjust enrichment — Adlam v Savage…

  10. Body Corporate No 209774 v Wu [2018] NZDC 19792

    Appeal of Tenancy Tribunal — costs order — contractual dispute — Unit Titles Act 2010, ss 121, 138, 147 & 153 — Residential Tenancies Act…