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Displaying 261 – 270 of 474 results for " "

  1. Raynor v Marris [2018] NZDC 9933

    Enforcement of judgment debt over 6 years — District Court Act 2016, ss 140 & 141. The judgment creditors sought leave for the enforcement of…

  2. Kirkpatrick and Warehouse World Ltd (as Trustees of the James Trust) v Beacham Ltd [2018] NZDC 5405

    Decision on costs — indemnity costs — solicitor/client costs — contract — Black v ASB [2012] NZCA 384. The plaintiffs sought an award of indemnity costs…

  3. Saunders Dairy Holdings Ltd v Avondale Pastoral Ltd Partnership [2019] NZDC 324

    Oral lease contract — grazing lease — condition of animals— best endeavours — McDermot v Davis (1922) GLR 586 — Humphrey v Phipps [1974] 1…

  4. Pallesen v Smith [2018] NZDC 1995

    Application for summary judgment — District Court Rules 2014, r 12.2(1) — NZI Bank Ltd v Philpott [1990] 2 NZLR 403. The plaintiffs made an application…

  5. Lifestyle Cars Ltd v de Jong [2018] NZDC 3673

    Appeal — Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — unfair or prejudiced proceeding — rights of natural justice — Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003 — Consumer…

  6. Envisage Construction Ltd v Bulmer [2018] NZDC 4124

    Reserved Judgment — unpaid invoice — construction contract — unjust enrichment. The plaintiff sought to claim for an unpaid invoice totalling $14,518.48, which had been issued…

  7. Tuivaiti v Hunt [2018] NZDC 4131

    Appeal of Tenancy Tribunal — option to purchase agreement — Vector Gas Ltd v Bay of Plenty Energy Ltd [2010] NZSC 5. The appellants appealed a…

  8. UDC Finance Ltd v Zeestraten [2018] NZDC 15123

    Summary judgment — failing to obtain best reasonable price — Krukziener v Hanover Finance Ltd [2008] NZCA 187 — Silven Properties Ltd v Royal Bank…

  9. Henry v Vero Insurance New Zealand Ltd [2018] NZDC 19799

    Insurance — liability — agency — ratification of contract — contractual cancellation — implied authority — ostensible authority — Lim v Ward McCulloch Solicitors Nominees…

  10. Park v New Zealand Police [2018] NZDC 5946

    Appeal of revocation of firearms licence — domestic violence — "fit and proper person" test — Arms Act 1983, s 24. The appellant appealed a determination…