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Displaying 301 – 310 of 474 results for " "

  1. Glass Bottom Boat v Maritime NZ [2018] NZDC 9309

    Appeal on costs — District Court Rules, rr 14.3, 14.5, 14.6 — indemnity costs — categorising costs. The appellant, having already received a favourable reserved…

  2. Clark v The Commissioner of Police [2018] NZDC 2990

    Application to import firearms — military style semi-automatic weapons — special reason — firearms endorsements — Arms Act 1983, ss 5, 16, 18, 30, 62. The…

  3. Scott v De Cent Eaton [2018] NZDC 9097

    Appeal Tenancy Tribunal — WCC v McMillan [2003] DCR 50 — exemplary damages. The appellant was appealing a Tenancy Tribunal's decision that refused to grant…

  4. Luminous Property Investments v Arua [2018] NZDC 9082

    Appeal from Tenancy Tribunal — property lacking building consent — Riddler v Beesley TT 4032041 Masterton (20 October 2016) — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, s…

  5. Revolution Industries v Bayly Construction [2018] NZDC 5805

    Appeal from Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — rejection of vehicle — refund — Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003, s 16 — Disputes Tribunals Act 1988,…

  6. Vincent v Herring [2018] NZDC 4714

    Appeal of Tenancy Tribunal — compensation — unfairly prejudicial. The applicant appeared before the Court appealing a decision by the Tenancy Tribunal. The respondent, as the…

  7. Morgan v New Zealand Police [2018] NZDC 689

    Strike out application — challenge of police search warrant — no reasonable arguable cause of action — costs — Search and Surveillance Act 2012, s…

  8. Pilkington v Singh [2017] NZDC 24721

    Application for costs — indemnity costs — scale costs — preparation costs — disbursements — whether costs should be limited — Calderbank offer — lack…

  9. Clayton Bray v Fletcher Concrete and Infrastructure Ltd [2018] NZDC 4128

    Appeal from Tenancy Tribunal — delay of property owner taking possession — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, s 85(2). The applicant appeared before the Court bringing an…

  10. Parbhu v PlasterTech Systems Ltd [2017] NZDC 29873

    Breach of contract — cancellation of contract — leaky home. The plaintiffs were trustees of a Trust that owned a residential property. The home…