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Displaying 311 – 320 of 474 results for " "

  1. Filipino Link Ltd v NZ Business [2017] NZDC 28759

    Application to dismiss proceedings for want of prosecution — application for costs — inaction by party — costs on discontinuance — failure to reach agreement…

  2. Debt Buyers v Spackman [2017] NZDC 25428

    Deed of guarantee — deed of assignment — liability to pay — Debt Buyers Ltd v Adamson [2016] NZHC 932. The respondent in this matter…

  3. Claims Resolution Service Ltd v Dowsett [2017] NZDC 22965

    Insurance advocacy — cost contribution — summary judgment — Earthquake Commission — EQC — unjust enrichment — High Court Rules 14.2 (a). The plaintiff was an…

  4. Greensmith v Fong Anae [2018] NZDC 3707

    Appeal from Tenancy Tribunal — alleged bias by Adjudicator — 90 day notice. The appellant brought an appeal against a Tenancy Tribunal decision alleging that…

  5. Jones v 2 Cheap Cars [2018] NZDC 2090

    Appeal from Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — unfair or prejudicial proceedings — faulty motor — Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, s 6 — Motor Vehicle Sales…

  6. Falconer v Panuku Development Auckland Ltd [2018] NZDC 1724

    Appeal Tenancy Tribunal — Subletting — section 44(2A) Residential Tenancies Act 1986 — definition of "tenancy agreement". A tenant appealed a decision of the Tenancy…

  7. Frith v Rotorua District Council [2017] NZDC 23941

    Whether property is non-rateable — whether property is included in Waitangi Tribunal claim Wai 384 — whether defendant has breached a duty of care regarding…

  8. Gray v Wolfe [2017] NZDC 23473

    Interlocutory application — protest to jurisdiction — application made under repealed legislation — interests of justice — whether proceedings void ab initio — amendment of…

  9. Real Finance Ltd v Setefano [2017] NZDC 27629

    Application for recovery of debt owing under loan agreement — matter remitted to District Court for reconsideration on basis of formal proof — default interest…

  10. Wrights Tanks Ltd v MJ Custom Engineering Ltd [2017] NZDC 27923

    Application for contempt orders — contempt of court — breach of injunction — mandatory injunction — terms of the injunction — remedies — costs. The…