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Displaying 341 – 350 of 474 results for " "

  1. Auckland Budget Campervan Ltd v Steckler [2017] NZDC 21832

    Appeal — Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003. A decision of the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal was given whereby the trader…

  2. Weber v Richmond Law [2017] NZDC 21977

    Breach of fiduciary duty — misleading or deceptive conduct — chattels — leasehold — trusts — Fair Trading Act 1986. The plaintiffs were claiming damages…

  3. York Trustees Ltd v Body Corporate Number 166208 [2017] NZDC 7961

    Tenancy Tribunal appeal jurisdiction — water rates — Housing New Zealand Corporation v Salt — Body Corporate 162791 v Gilbert [2015] NZCA 185 — Unit…

  4. Eden Group Limited v Timothy Jackson [2017] NZDC 7701

    Reserved judgment — Court order — Notice of disobedience — contempt of Court — natural justice — jurisdiction — District Court Rules 2014, rr 1.9…

  5. Chand v New Zealand Transport Agency [2017] NZDC 12955

    Appeal — NZTA — passenger endorsement — Land Transport Act 1998 ss 30C and D — persistent offending — fit and proper person. This was…

  6. Silkwood Investments Ltd t/a Southland Vehicle Sales v Peterson [2017] NZDC 16714

    Review of the registrar's decision — miscarriage of justice — District Court Rules 2014, r 15.7 — Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003. The…

  7. Trustees of the Brian & Dorothy Fitzpatrick Family Trust v Trustees of the Westburn Trust [2017] NZDC 13723

    Application for summary judgment — parties to contract — building. The plaintiff is a builder trading under a family trust. The plaintiff was asked by…

  8. Saldana v Pio [2017] NZDC 18134

    Vehicle ownership — Sale of Goods Act 1908, s 25 — Policing Act 2008, ss 8 & 40. The first respondent lent his car to…

  9. Hwang v Albert [2017] NZDC 17207

    Appeal from Tenancy Tribunal — no error — Residential Tenancies Act 1986. The plaintiff appealed the decision of the Tenancy Tribunal dismissing a rehearing. The…

  10. Rajalingam v Patel [2017] NZDC 16274

    Application to extinguish an easement — whether there had been a sufficient change since creation of easement — easement — Property Law Act 2007, s…