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Displaying 91 – 100 of 474 results for " "

  1. Vizor v Miller [2020] NZDC 18019

    Appeal — revocation of firearms licence — fit and proper person — Arms Act 1983, ss 27(1) & 62 — Police v Cottle [1986] 1…

  2. Nest Residential Rentals and Landlord Services Ltd v Folland [2020] NZDC 628

    Appeal — Tenancy Tribunal — fixed term lease — abandonment of lease — liability — loss mitigation — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 49 &…

  3. Senior v Ask the Arborist Ltd [2019] NZDC 20064

    Application to transfer proceedings — location of court — declaration — commercial dispute — District Court Rules 2014, rr 5.1 & 10.9 — A G…

  4. AutoM8 NZ Ltd v The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand [2019] NZDC 15084

    Breach of contract — security for costs — stay of proceedings — nominal plaintiff — impecuniosity — AS McLachlan Ltd v MEL Network Ltd (2002)…

  5. United Flower Growers Ltd v Hansen [2021] NZDC 16199

    Application to set aside — notice of appearance under protest to jurisdiction — jurisdiction of Employment Relations Authority — claim for summary judgment — deductions…

  6. Thrupp v Thrupp [2021] NZDC 2665

    Application for interim injunction — without notice basis — debt owing — proceeds of sale — District Court Rules 2014, r 7.45 — Peters v…

  7. Ocean Energy Innovation Ltd In Liq v Murray [2021] NZDC 5669

    Costs — Interest on Money Claims Act 2016, s 9(1) — District Court Act 2016, s 96(4) — District Court Rules 2014, sch 5 —…

  8. AZN Motors Ltd v Mitchell [2021] NZDC 1397

    Appeal from tribunal — Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — procedural fairness — Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 — Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003, sch 1 cl…

  9. Laws v Otago University Students Association [2021] NZDC 2704

    Interlocutory applications — summary judgment — strike out — further particular of defence — defamatory statement — definition of "defamatory" — lower a person in…

  10. Cutting v Liu [2020] NZDC 1157

    Costs — recall applications — counterclaim. The plaintiff applied for costs against the defendants who had continued proceedings despite a clear indication from the Court of…