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R v Pirere [2018] NZDC 20416

Published 23 July 2019

Sentencing — aggravated robbery — R v Mako [2000] 2 NZLR 170. The defendant appeared for sentencing on a charge of aggravated robbery. The defendant robbed a shop in the company of others and while armed with a BB gun, taking $200 and some confectionery. Aggravating factors were group offending, presence of weapons, use of disguises and the impact on the victims. The defendant had not been involved in planning the robbery and his involvement in the offending only began immediately prior to the robbery. In acknowledgment of this, plus the defendant's guilty plea, willingness to engage in rehabilitation and time spent on bail, the Court reduced the sentence from a start point of four years six months down to a final sentence of three years and two weeks' imprisonment. Judgment Date: 24 September 2018.