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Paogo Nofoaiga v New Zealand Transport Agency [2016] NZDC 16576

Published 09 December 2016

Passenger endorsement declined — appeal — Land Transport Act 1998, ss 30C, 30E and 106 — Land Transport (Driver Licensing Rule) 1999. An appeal was allowed from a decision of the New Zealand Transport Agency to decline to renew the appellant's passenger endorsement. The endorsement was declined because of a cumulative view of the appellant's infringements and convictions, which it was submitted demonstrated the appellant was not a "fit and proper person" to hold a passenger endorsement. Taking into account the gravity of the punishment experienced by the appellant, the nature of the offending and the passage of time since, as at 2 August 2016 the appellant was once again a fit and proper person to hold a passenger endorsement. Judgment Date: 2 September 2016.
