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Immigration New Zealand v Kafoa [2017] NZDC 17458

Published 23 March 2017

Oral judgment — compassionate grounds — deportation order — humanitarian grounds — warrant for commitment — Immigration Department — Immigration Act 2009. The Immigration Department made an application for a warrant of commitment in relation to the respondent. The respondent had been unlawfully in New Zealand since 2005 and was served with a deportation order in 2012. The court noted that the respondent had friends and family in court who were willing to attest to her following the conditions the court had placed on her. Taking into account the particular circumstances of the respondent, the court found that there were good compassionate reasons to release on conditions. As a result of the support offered to the respondent, the court released her on conditions under s 320 of the Immigration Act and declined the application for a warrant of commitment. Judgment Date: 8 August 2017
