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R v McLennan [2018] NZDC 1941

Published 24 August 2018

Unlawful sexual connection — sexual conduct with a child — permit a boy under 12 to do an indecent act — indecent assault — unlawful sexual connection — oral sex — anal penetration — supply cannabis — sentencing — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114. The defendant appeared for sentencing in relation to sexual offending against two young victims. The defendant was befriended by the first victim. Over a period of time the defendant normalised sexual behaviour with the young victim. The defendant got the victim to masturbate his genitals, perform oral sex, and this all culminated on the defendant committing anal sex on the first victim. In relation to the second victim, she was induced to masturbate the defendant and was supplied cannabis. Aggravating features include the abuse of trust, vulnerability of the victims, premeditation, and scale of offending. The defendant was given a discount for his youth, and his upbringing and was sentenced to five years and four months' imprisonment. Judgment Date: 5 February 2018