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R v Nolan [2019] NZDC 15739

Published 15 July 2021

Sentencing — wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — threatening to kill — R v Kerr HC Hamilton CRI-2004-019-7319, 21 September 2005 — R v Taueki [2005] 3 NZLR 372. The defendant appeared for sentence on one charge each of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and threatening to kill. He became involved in an altercation with the two victims, which culminated in him stabbing one of the victims multiple times and threatening to kill the other. The Court set a start point of four years' imprisonment, and gave credits for the defendant's remorse, willingness to rehabilitate, and belated guilty plea. Although the defendant had already been in custody for 17 months, the Court considered it inappropriate to substitute a sentence of home detention. The final sentence was three years' imprisonment. Judgment Date: 9 August 2019.