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New Zealand Police v McMullan [2020] NZDC 18063

Published 25 July 2022

Sentencing — poisoning with intent to annoy — drink-spiking — ethasan — Crimes Act 1961, s 200(2) — Tegg v Police HC Wellington AP 271/00, 20 December 2000 — Police v Jones DC Invercargill CRI-2007-009-015441, 29 August 2008. The defendant appeared for sentence on a charge of poisoning with intent to annoy. She had added ethasan, a hand sanitiser, to a drink bottle belonging to one of her work colleagues (the victim). The offending had damaged the victim's physical and mental health. The defendant denied the offending and her motive for the offending was unclear. The Court imposed a sentence of four months' community detention and emotional harm reparations of $500. Judgment Date: 21 August 2020