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New Zealand Police v Cochrane [2021] NZDC 8224

Published 28 April 2022

Sentencing — causing harm by posting digital communication — Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 7, 8 & 9. The defendant appeared for sentence on charges of causing harm by posting a digital communication. She had used several different social media platforms to target her victim over a 13-month period. She had also stolen and destroyed items belonging to the victim. The Court characterised the offending as an attempt to destroy the victim's sanity, and was unconvinced by the defendant's explanation that the offending was motivated by a mutual long-standing grudge. However because of the defendant's young age and matters raised in a psychologist's report, the Court decided not to sentence the defendant to imprisonment. The final sentence was six months' community detention and 12 months' intensive supervision with conditions. The Court also ordered the defendant pay the victim $1057 in reparations and $2000 in emotional harm reparations. Judgment Date: 10 March 2021