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R v Vowles [2021] NZDC 8245

Published 02 October 2023

Sentencing — wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice — false police complaint — no guiding tariff. The defendant appeared for sentence on a charge of wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice. She had made false allegations of sexual assault against the victim. As a result the victim had his home searched by police and was fired from his job. The offending was aggravated by planning and premeditation, major impact on the victim, wasting police resources and time, and damaging the credibility of true sexual assault victims. The Court set a start point for sentence of two and a half years' imprisonment and made reductions for the defendant's young age, lack of prior convictions, personal difficulties and guilty plea. The final sentence was six months' community detention and nine months' supervision. Judgment Date: 30 April 2021