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Meyer v Lint [2021] NZFC 4375

Published 03 May 2023

Adoption — final adoption order — surrogacy — in vitro fertilization — IVF — egg donor — assisted reproductive technology — Adoption Act 1955. The applicants sought a final adoption order in respect of a 15-month-old child. The child had come about as a result of IVF via a surrogate. A woman, who had chosen not to be identified, had donated her egg; a friend of the applicants had acted as the surrogate. The male applicant was the biological father of the child. The process had been completed with the assistance of fertility specialists and with the approval of the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology. Approval from Oranga Tamariki was required, as was a social worker's approval for the child to be placed in the care of the applicants. The child had been in their care since he was four days old. All parties consented to the adoption and the Judge noted that these types of surrogacy arrangements were becoming more commonplace. The Judge was prepared to find that special circumstances existed, so that a final adoption order could be made. The Judge made a final adoption order in favour of the applicants. Judgment Date: 6 May 2021. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *