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Rossi v Rossi [2023] NZFC 6792

Published 30 January 2024

Interim contact — equal shared care — Hague Convention — Care of Children Act 2004, s 108. The parties were to engage in Hague Convention proceedings to determine where their child would live. Pending final determination of the proceedings, the applicant father sought interim contact orders that would grant him equal shared care of the child. The respondent mother opposed the application. She raised concerns that the applicant was involving the child in matters that should have been resolved between the parties. A report from lawyer for the child supported the respondent's concerns. The Court found that it was in the child's best interests to spend more time with the applicant, although not rising to the level of equal shared care as the applicant had sought. Therefore the Court ordered increased contact between the applicant and the child, but also added a condition that the parties not discuss the proceedings, or other "adult issues", with the child. Judgment Date: 22 June 2023 * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *