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Brennan v Turner [2021] NZFC 6006

Published 17 October 2022

Guardianship of court — vaccinations — medical vulnerabilities — effects of vaccines. The case concerned the vaccination status of four children who had previously been placed under the guardianship of the Court. The Open Home Foundation, as an agent of the Court, sought the Court's approval for a programme of vaccinations for the children; the mother agreed to accept the Court's decision, but the father opposed the proposed vaccines. He raised various grounds of objection including that the children had medical vulnerabilities that would make vaccinations dangerous, and that vaccines have various harmful side effects. The Court rejected all of the father's grounds of objection and concluded that he was opposing the proposed vaccinations purely for the sake of opposition. The Court ordered that the children be immunised. Judgment Date: 30 June 2021. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *