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Electrical Workers Registration Board v Voigt [2020] NZDC 16473

Published 10 December 2021

Carrying out unauthorised prescribed electrical work — "prescribed electrical work" — "electric installation" — Electricity Act 1992, ss 2, 74 & 162 — Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010, r 6 & sch 1 cl 2(a). The defendant faced a charge of carrying out unauthorised prescribed electrical work. He had undertaken a number of tasks, including installing a connector on a light fitting, for another person (the complainant). The complainant subsequently complained to the Electrical Workers' Registration Board (the prosecution) that the defendant had undertaken the work while unregistered. The defendant argued that installing a connector did not amount to "prescribed electrical work" under the Electricity Act, and that he had installed the connector in the interests of safety. The Court observed that the Board and the defendant seemed to disagree on what a "connector" does, with the Board believing that a connector is used to convey electricity while the defendant argued that it is to stop electricity from being conveyed beyond the connector box, where it may pose a safety issue. The Court preferred the defendant's argument and consequently found that installing a connector did not amount to "prescribed electrical work" within the meaning of the Electricity Act. Therefore, there had been no offence against the Act. The charge was dismissed. Judgment Date: 18 August 2020.