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Kamaruzaman v Netharshan [2022] NZFC 858

Published 30 August 2022

Interim application — spousal maintenance — Family Proceedings Act 1980, ss 62-66 & 82. The parties had separated and were in the process of dissolving their marriage. The applicant had previously been awarded interim spousal maintenance of $900 per week for six months. After the six-month period expired, she brought a second application for interim spousal maintenance. The applicant submitted that her circumstances were essentially unchanged since the first order was granted, and she did not have enough income to meet her weekly expenses. She further questioned the accuracy of the respondent's evidence to do with the performance of a construction company that he owned. The respondent argued that the applicant was able to support herself financially. The Court agreed with the applicant that her circumstances were essentially unchanged since the first interim order was made, and that the respondent was able to pay spousal maintenance. The Court ordered the respondent to pay interim spousal maintenance of $900 per week for a further six-month period. Judgment Date: 2 February 2022 * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *