Published 07 March 2022
Care and contact arrangements — vaccination — immunisation schedule — wellbeing and best interests of child — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 5, 6, 46G, 46O, 46R, 133 & 135A(4). These proceedings were about several issues for resolution between the parties in relation to their young child. For determination were the child's care arrangements, his name, and whether he should be immunised. The child lived with the respondent mother, with contact arrangements in place to see the applicant father. Some concerns were raised about the mother's behaviour especially with regards to ensuring Skype contact occurred between the child and his father. The Judge noted that if the mother did not change her behaviour it could result in the child being put in the father's day-to-day care. With regards to the issue of immunisation, the Judge considered evidence from the father's GP and material from the Immunisation Advisory Council. The Judge noted the Ministry of Health recommended that children be comprehensively immunised. The Judge made an interim parenting order that the child was to remain in the day-to-day care of the mother, with contact conditions, and a guardianship direction that the applicant father could arrange for the child to be immunised. The Judge made a direction by consent that the child's name be changed and that the respondent was to be responsible for any cost involved in registering the name. Judgment Date: 29 March 2017. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *
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