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Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Le Roy [2022] NZDC 12855

Published 07 June 2023

Judge-alone trial — forgery — using false documents — forged signatures — Crimes Act 1961, s 255 — Evidence Act 2006. The defendant faced five charges of using false documents. He was alleged to have created the documents in question by forging the signatures of other people, and to have then used the documents to obtain registration of companies or to obtain credit. The defendant denied the charges and submitted that the signatures on the documents were genuine. The Court heard a range of evidence, including from people whose signatures the defendant had allegedly forged, and from an expert document examiner. The latter witnesses denied signing the documents, and the expert witness believed the signatures to have been forged. The Court found that the witnesses gave credible evidence, and that the signatures had been forged. The charges were proven. Judgment Date: 8 July 2022.