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New Zealand Police v Harris [2019] NZDC 22343

Published 14 April 2022

Sentencing — injuring with intent to injure — assault on Member of Parliament — Nuku v R [2012] NZCA 584, [2013] 2 NZLR 39 — R v Taueki [2005] 3 NZLR 372 — Hessell v R [2010] NZSC 135, [2011] 1 NZLR 607. The defendant appeared for sentence after pleading guilty on a charge of injuring with intent to injure. He had confronted the victim, who was a Member of Parliament, because he disagreed with his views on abortion law reform. The defendant began to speak to the victim, before suddenly assaulting him. A psychiatric assessment showed that the defendant had no mental health disorder. The Court observed that the violence was significant and prolonged, and the victim was seriously injured. Further, the victim was vulnerable because his work required him to make his personal opinions known to the public. The Court set a start point of 12 months' imprisonment, and applied discounts for guilty plea, a measure of remorse, previous good character and personal circumstances. The final sentence was nine months' imprisonment. Judgment Date: 6 November 2019 .