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R v Boatwright-Pinn [2018] NZDC 8631

Published 12 October 2023

Sentencing — supply of methamphetamine. The first defendant had been sentenced for two charges. Since then two more references had been submitted; one from the defendant's employer and the defendant's mother's partner. The defendant provided a link for methamphetamine to members of the community. Due to the serious offence the letters were of limited use and the end sentence was three years and six months. The other two defendants, who were the suppliers of methamphetamine, had already been sentenced. The Judge noted that their personal circumstances did not carry much weight due to the seriousness of the offending. The second defendant was sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment with six years minimum period of imprisonment. The third defendant was sentenced to 14 years and five months of imprisonment for the charges of the supply and offering to supply, and there was an eight year-eight month minimum period of imprisonment. Judgment Date: 23 March 2018.