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R v Bush [2022] NZDC 1777

Published 03 February 2023

Sentencing — burglary — using a document — theft of fashion garments. The defendant appeared for sentence on one charge of burglary and four of using a document. He had been involved in the burglary of the Trelise Cooper fashion design business, in which some $750,000 worth of garments were stolen. The offending damaged the business's reputation and caused stress to the owner and employees, some of whom were wrongly suspected of being involved. A sentencing indication had shown a start point of three and a half years' imprisonment for the burglary, uplifted by one year for the document charges. The Court reduced this sentence to recognise the causal connection between the offending and the defendant's addiction, and also his guilty pleas, time spent on bail and efforts at rehabilitation. The final sentence was two years five months' imprisonment. Judgment Date: 4 February 2022.