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R v Howell [2022] NZDC 14415

Published 12 October 2023

Sentencing — money laundering — internet scam — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 106 & 107 — Iosefa v Police HC Christchurch CIV-2005-409-64, 21 April 2005. The defendant faced sentence on two charges of money laundering. She had deposited two sums of money into her bank accounts, at the request of a person who she had met online. This person turned out to be an internet scammer and his relationship with the defendant was a sham. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charges and sought discharge without conviction, submitting that convictions would damage her teaching career. The Court observed that the scammer had been highly sophisticated and was able to trick the defendant, who the Court characterised as vulnerable. The offending was at the lower end of the scale and the Court was satisfied that the consequences of a conviction would be out of proportion. The Court was uncertain as to who had lost money as a result of the scam, and therefore declined to order reparations. Judgment Date: 27 July 2022.