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R v Paul [2022] NZDC 13106

Published 17 February 2023

Sentencing — receiving stolen goods — stolen clothing — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 16 & 20 — R v Rawiri [2011] NZCA 244. The defendant appeared for sentence on a charge of receiving stolen goods. She had helped another person to move suitcases full of stolen clothing into a storage unit. The clothes were high fashion items that had been stolen from the office of the designer Trelise Cooper, and were valued at $136,780. The offending was aggravated by the value of the goods and the commercial element to the offending. The offending had damaged the Trelise Cooper brand and had led to false allegations against its staff members. The start point for sentence was two years' imprisonment. After reductions for guilty plea, previous good character and other personal factors the sentence was 14 months' imprisonment, meaning it was low enough to make the defendant eligible for home detention. However no appropriate home address was available to the defendant. Given this fact as well as the public vilification that the defendant had undergone, the Court imposed a final sentence of 300 hours' community work, $2500 in emotional harm payments, and 12 months' supervision. Judgment Date: 8 June 2022.