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R v Riini [2022] NZDC 12878

Published 02 June 2023

Judge-alone trial — threatening to kill — threatening to do grievous bodily harm — Crimes Act 1961, s 306. The defendant faced charges of threatening to kill and threatening to do grievous bodily harm. He and his lawyer had been discussing an upcoming trial where the defendant was to face an assault charge against his brother. During the conversation the defendant allegedly threatened to shoot the Judge at his trial and then kill his brother afterwards. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges and denied threatening to kill anyone. The lawyer who the defendant had made the threats to gave evidence, and the Court found her a reliable and credible witness. The Court found that the defendant had made the threats alleged, and that he had intended the lawyer to take the threats seriously. The defendant was found guilty and convicted on both charges. Judgment Date: 7 July 2022.