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R v Stephens [2022] NZDC 23233

Published 22 March 2023

Sentencing — receiving stolen goods — possession of utensils for consumption of methamphetamine — theft of clothing — R v Edwards DC Manukau CRI-2012-092-009434, 21 November 2013. The defendant appeared for sentence on charges of receiving stolen goods and possession of utensils for the consumption of methamphetamine. Police had raided her home and found a number of clothing items that had been stolen from the premises of the fashion designer Trelise Cooper, as well as the drug utensils. The defendant submitted that the people who had stolen the clothes had tricked her into storing the clothes, but the Court rejected this submission. The start point for sentence was 18 months' imprisonment, uplifted by another two months for the drug charges. The defendant was a first-time offender and had expressed some remorse. The final sentence was seven months' home detention with six months' post-detention conditions. Judgment Date: 25 November 2022.