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Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v Templeman [2020] NZDC 10057

Published 08 June 2022

Sentencing — failing to ensure dog received necessary treatment to alleviate pain and suffering — failing to ensure dog had its health, physical and behavioural needs met — name suppression. The defendant appeared for sentence on charges of failing to ensure that her dog received necessary treatment to alleviate pain and suffering, and failing to ensure the dog had its health, physical and behavioural needs met. SPCA inspectors had observed that the defendant's dog was in poor condition, and a subsequent vet report established that the dog had been suffering for a considerable time. The defendant said that she knew that the dog was old but did not realise that it was suffering. Given that the defendant suffered anxiety and depression and was vulnerable, the Court ordered that her name and the name of the dog be suppressed. In spite of the duration of the offending, the defendant was of previous good character and had pleaded guilty early. The Court convicted and discharged the defendant on all charges, but ordered that she pay reparations of $83.10 and costs of $200. The defendant was also disqualified from owning a companion pet for five years. Judgment Date: 2 June 2020. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *