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Zhao v Zhang [2022] NZFC 12505

Published 11 September 2023

Interlocutory applications — relationship property proceedings — discovery — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 1N, 8 & 9 — Trusts Act 2019, s 141(2) — Evidence Act 2006, s 7(3) — Family Court Rules, rr 141, 143 & 400 — Dixon v Kingsley [2015] NZHC 2044. This hearing was to determine an interlocutory application for further discovery in the parties' relationship property proceedings. The discovery applications related to business and personal bank information, mortgages and superannuation statements, and trust account ledgers for the sale of various properties, as well as financial accounts for a company. The Judge considered that disclosure of the requested financial documents was necessary to be able to address issues between the parties. The Judge made orders for discovery in relation to the requested documents. The Judge declined to make orders in relation to company employment contracts and staff time records and also declined to make orders in relation to immigration and travel records of the interested party. Judgment Date: 5 December 2022.