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Displaying 561 – 570 of 1091 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Vae'Au [2019] NZDC 15226

    Sentencing — strangulation — intentionally impeding the normal breathing of victim by applying pressure on throat and neck — breach of protection order — physically abusing…

  2. R v Waara [2019] NZDC 12642

    Sentencing — cultivation of cannabis — possession of cannabis for supply — cannabis-growing operation — R v Wilson CA273/04, 13/12/2004 — Manuel v R [2019] NZHC…

  3. R v Pomana [2019] NZDC 12631

    Sentencing — burglary — dishonestly using a document for pecuniary advantage — assaulting a police employee — receiving stolen property — minimum non-parole period —…

  4. New Zealand Police v Benson [2019] NZDC 10810

    Sentencing — breach of intensive supervision — male assaults female — assault — assault with intent to injure — strangulation — threat to kill —…

  5. R v Terry [2018] NZDC 27425

    Pretrial — application for severance — co-defendant — interests of justice — ill-treatment of a vulnerable adult — failure to protect a vulnerable adult —…

  6. WorkSafe New Zealand v Bulldog Haulage Ltd [2019] NZDC 12202

    Sentencing - failure to consult, co-operate with, and co-ordinate with other PCBUs - duty- multiple subcontractors operating at distribution centre - Stumpmaster v WorkSafe New Zealand…

  7. Ministry of Primaries Industries v Arthur [2019] NZDC 16041

    Sentencing — importation of plant material — unauthorised — biosecurity risks — genetic engineering — introduced weeds — introduced pests — Biosecurity Act 1993 — Sentencing…

  8. New Zealand Police v Hawley [2019] NZDC 11552

    Domestic violence — psychological abuse — definition of psychological abuse — breach of protection order — removing children from country — Hague Convention — Domestic Violence…

  9. Statistics New Zealand v Matenga [2019] NZDC 11504

    Census — refusal to fill in individual form — refusal to fill in dwelling form — Statistics Act 1975, s 43(1 ). Two defendants were…

  10. Ministry for Primary Industries v Arthur [2019] NZDC 10159

    Discharge without conviction — gravity of offending — importing large quantities of plant material knowing that it was unauthorised — Biosecurity Act 1993 — Sentencing Act…