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Amandeep Kaur v Vishram Kaur [2016] NZFC 7386

Published 07 November 2016

Protection order — domestic violence — Domestic Violence Act 1995 — contact order — Care of Children Act 2004, s 5. In the domestic violence matters, there was a pattern of domestic violence from the respondent to the applicant; his behaviour was not minor or trivial and the Judge thought a final protection order necessary in the circumstances. The key reason for the necessity of the order was the respondent’s lack of awareness of his behaviour to the applicant. At the time of the hearing the applicant had day-to-day care of the children, the respondent having overnight weekend contact with the older child and one day per week of contact with the younger child. The children were found to be safe in the respondent’s care unsupervised pursuant to s 5(e). Because the evidence at the time of hearing was not sufficient to make a final parenting order, Lawyer for the children was invited to a round table meeting to discuss the terms of the parenting order and the parties were ordered to file memoranda stating their positions. Judgment Date: 18 March 2016. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *