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New Zealand SPCA v Kilgour [2019] NZDC 2971

Published 30 August 2019

Sentencing — ill-treatment of animal — serious injury — stab — dog — failed restorative justice — disqualification from being in charge or asserting authority over any dogs. The defendant appeared for sentence in relation to one charge of ill-treatment of an animal by stabbing. While at a friend's house having drinks the defendant stabbed his friend's dog. There was an attempt at restorative justice but the dog owner felt this had been ineffective as the defendant continued to downplay his offending. 140 hours' community work and a 10 month sentence of supervision was given. No order was made for reparations as the defendant had already paid all vet costs. Finally, the defendant was disqualified from being in charge of or asserting authority over any dogs for five years. Judgment Date: 14 February 2019.