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R v Bragg [2018] NZDC 4204

Published 13 June 2019

Sentencing — unlawful sexual connection — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114. The defendant appeared for sentence on four charges of sexual violation. There were two victims, boys under the age of twelve. He had voluntarily reported his offending to the authorities. Aggravating features were the prolonged period of offending (some 18 months), vulnerable victims, and the wide age difference between the victims and the offender. The Court reached a starting point of 11 years' imprisonment. The defendant got a discount of 25 percent for reporting his offending, and another 25 percent for his guilty plea. The Court then turned to the issues of the offender's mental health problems, his previous good character and his background as an abuse victim, and decided on a 15 percent reduction for these matters. The final sentence was four years eleven months' imprisonment. Judgment Date: 6 March 2018.