Civil jurisdiction duties take up about 15% of Judge Gilbert’s time, with the rest devoted to the adult criminal court. He likes having civil cases as part of his mix.
As well as contractual disputes between individuals and/ or organisations, cases include appeals from tribunals and restraining order applications.
Since Judge Gilbert joined the bench in 2016, he has seen an increase in self-represented litigants, often for both sides in a case. “Some are capable and focused,” he says, “but generally they lack a bit of understanding of process. I think the increase reflects access to justice issues and the cost of lawyering up.”
Judge Gilbert particularly enjoys resolving cases through mediation at a judicial settlement conference, thereby saving litigants the financial and emotional cost of potentially a long, drawn-out court case. “Litigants are often relieved when they walk out of a conference,” he says. “Suddenly, they can look forward rather than keep looking back. Even if they haven’t got a result they are delighted about, as long as it’s a result they can live with, at least they can get on with their life.”
This website explains many of the things you might want to know if you are coming to the Youth Court, or just wondering how the Youth Court works.
Ministry of Justice website with information on family issues including about going to court, forms and other times when you may need help.
For information about courts and tribunals, including going to court, finding a court & collection of fines and reparation.
On this site you will find information about our Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court including recent decisions, daily lists and news.