This section contains statutory and non-statutory Protocols and Guidelines from the District Court of New Zealand.
The Chief District Court Judge has issued a Timely Access to Justice Protocol consisting of a timely access to justice standard and category-based timeliness thresholds. Timely…
The Chief District Court Judge has issued a Bail Application Scheduling Framework as part of the work to improve timely access to justice. Bail Application Scheduling Framework.
This practice note seeks to promote greater consistency in how applications for a limited licence under the Land Transport Act 1998 are dealt with in…
Modified Jury Trial Protocol and Jury Trial Guidelines effective 21 August 2023 ProtocolGuidelines
The use of audio-visual links (AVL) in the District Court is the subject of three protocols issued by the Chief District Court Judge in May…
Guidelines to Practice and Procedure for Accident Compensation Appeals in the District Court. Issued by the Chief District Court Judge 01 April 2023. Read or download…
Protocol containing guidance for judges in all Courts regarding undertaking any other paid employment, or holding any other office, whether paid or not. PROTOCOL CONTAINING GUIDANCE…
October 2017 joint announcement from the Chief Judges of the High and District Courts of New Zealand regarding the arrangements for sentence indications for protocol…
Under s 217 of the District Court Act 2016, the Chief District Court Judge must, in consultation with the Chief Justice, develop and publish guidelines…
Information for the profession regarding reserved judgements in the District Court, with specific information on Family and Youth Court judgment timeframes. INFORMATION REGARDING RESERVED JUDGMENTS Section 218(a)…
This section contains Statutory Protocols and Guidelines relating to recusals, sentence indications, reserved judgments, and extra-judicial employment and offices.
This section contains non-statutory Protocols and Guidelines from the District Court.
This website explains many of the things you might want to know if you are coming to the Youth Court, or just wondering how the Youth Court works.
Ministry of Justice website with information on family issues including about going to court, forms and other times when you may need help.
For information about courts and tribunals, including going to court, finding a court & collection of fines and reparation.
On this site you will find information about our Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court including recent decisions, daily lists and news.