In addition to judges, other judicial officers have jurisdiction to hear cases in the District Court. These include Family Court Associates, Community Magistrates, Justices of the Peace and Registrars.
Family Court Associates do a lot of work in the early stages of proceedings but the range of work they do is wide. They use their skill and knowledge to identify and understand the dynamics of a case and help triage it towards the most effective pathway. Read more here.
Family Court Associates |
Family Court Associate Johan Niemand |
Family Court Associate Mark Tolich |
Family Court Associate Sonya Singh |
Family Court Associate Johanna Robertson |
Family Court Associate Rachel Lohrey |
Family Court Associate Rebecca Murphy |
Family Court Associate Tracey Gunn |
Family Court Associate Sandra Heney |
Community Magistrates are an important component of the District Court Judiciary. They are part-time judicial officers and preside over a wide range of less serious cases in the District Court’s criminal jurisdiction. Community Magistrates may deal with offences punishable by a fine of up to $40,000, and may sentence offenders who plead guilty to an offence punishable by up to three months’ imprisonment.
The Community Magistrates are assisted in this decision making with input and teamwork from a wide range of people: prosecutors, counsel, probation staff, victim advisors, interpreters, restorative justice providers, forensic and security staff. Most important for the smooth running of the Court are the skills of the Court staff who carefully prepare the files and manage the daunting scheduling process. Every day is different, and the Court only finishes when all defendants have been seen. Community Magistrate Jan Holmes District Courts of New Zealand Annual Report 2015 |
Community Magistrates sit in most courts nationally. There are currently 20 Community Magistrates.
Community Magistrates (as at 1 March 2025)
Community Magistrate Russell Bagley |
Community Magistrate Terry Bourke |
Community Magistrate Shaun Cole |
Community Magistrate Sherida Cooper |
Community Magistrate Rosemary Fitzpatrick |
Community Magistrate Lesley Jensen |
Community Magistrate Lauolefale Lemalu |
Community Magistrate Ngaire Mascelle |
Community Magistrate Dr Brenda Midson |
Community Magistrate Carla na Nagara |
Community Magistrate Lavinia Nathan |
Community Magistrate Sally O’Brien |
Community Magistrate Elder Robati |
Community Magistrate Jo Sihamu |
Community Magistrate Sarah Steele |
Community Magistrate Fenella Thomas |
Community Magistrate Jodie Winterburn |
Acting-Warranted Community Magistrates |
Community Magistrate Kaye Davies |
Approximately 190 Judicial Justices of the Peace hear minor cases in the District Court. They may impose fines and some driving penalties (such as a licence disqualification). Justices of the Peace may also preside over some preliminary hearings, bail applications and requests for remands and adjournments.
Find out more about Justices of the Peace(external link)
Every District Court Registry has a Registrar. Many courts will also have several Deputy Registrars. These Registrars perform a wide range of administrative functions, and many also perform some judicial functions.
Disputes in the Disputes Tribunal are heard by Referees. Referees are appointed on the basis of their personal qualities, knowledge and experience. The Principal Disputes Tribunal Referee is Janet Robertshawe.
This website explains many of the things you might want to know if you are coming to the Youth Court, or just wondering how the Youth Court works.
Ministry of Justice website with information on family issues including about going to court, forms and other times when you may need help.
For information about courts and tribunals, including going to court, finding a court & collection of fines and reparation.
On this site you will find information about our Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court including recent decisions, daily lists and news.