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R v TX [2019] NZYC 397

Published 27 January 2020

Sentencing — dishonestly taking — wilful damage — setting fire to vegetation — assault — assault with intent to injure — posting a harmful digital communication — kidnapping — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, ss 4, 283, 284 & 333. The young person appeared for sentence on charges of dishonestly taking, wilful damage, assault, assault with intent to injure, posting a harmful digital communication and kidnapping. The offending occurred over a seven month period with escalating severity. At the time of the hearing the young person been on remand for three months. Oranga Tamariki recommended a sentence of supervision with activity. This was supported by the young person's lawyer and social workers. She had showed insight into her offending, willingness to co-operate and learned new ways of responding. Her progress was good but still required oversight and support. The Crown submitted supervision with activity was necessary to protect the community as a whole. The Judge declined to make an order as a plan needed to be developed and set a hearing for four weeks time. The young person would be on bail during this period. Judgment Date: 22 August 2019. * * * Note: Names have been changed to comply with legal requirements * * *
