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New Zealand Police v DI [2020] NZYC 195

Published 01 October 2020

Sentencing — burglary — escaping from custody — unlawfully taking a motor vehicle — theft — trespass — shoplifting — breach of supervision order — COVID-19 — travel restrictions — admonishment — reparations — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, ss 139, 282, 283, 296(e) & 311. The young person had been under a supervision order since December 2019 for charges of burglary, escaping custody, theft, unlawfully taking a motor vehicle, trespass and shoplifting. The supervision order was supposed to last for six months but as the young person offended while subject to the order he was placed in a residence. This hearing was to determine whether the supervision order should continue or if the young person's sentence could be considered complete by his time spent in residence. The Judge determined it was in the best interests of the young person and the community if the supervision order was extended, so the young person would have continued support. He had made good progress in his rehabilitation but still required outside help to maintain his progress. Judgment Date: 21 April 2020. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *
